GardeningUpcycled Tin Can Vertical Garden Project

Upcycled Tin Can Vertical Garden Project

photo credit - CherishingSpaces
photo credit – Cherishing

This is amazing !
I myself will be making this project many times as Christmas gifts for next year.
Yes, it may be January but I am already thinking of next year.
When I find great projects I can do cheaply…. I make 10 of them then put them in a huge box in my craft room. I will do the same thing for each project I find throughout the year then by November I create gift baskets for each loved ones aka friends and family.

Items needed:

2 Cans
A pair of Tin Snips
A Hammer
A few Nails
Please wear thick leather gloves when cutting any metal…. put it this way – a 10$ pair of thick leather gloves is cheaper then a trip to the emergancy room or having to use a skin stapler ( look in the medical section if you don’t know what a skin stapler is)

Cut one in the above pattern in picture
With the 2nd can….
Take a hammer and slightly flatten one side then place it inside the can with the cut pattern.
Fill with dirt, seeds or a live plant and nail to the wall but loose enough to be able to remove the inner can.
You may want to hammer a few holes in the base of the can so water can drain out.

Click here to view picture:



Melissa Francis
Melissa Francis
Greetings! I'm Melissa Francis, the founder and primary contributor to The Homestead Survival. With over 20 years of experience in homesteading, sustainability, and emergency preparedness, I've dedicated my life to helping others achieve a simpler, more self-reliant lifestyle.

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