How to use food scraps in the garden for composting is often called trench composting. This method of filling in rows between garden beds, or rotating trenches over a three-year period to improve an expanded planting area is one of the most beneficial ways to improve soil while reducing workload.
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It is possible to use food scraps in the garden without a compost bin. This article provides tips. Every year, a new trench can be dug in a different location. There’s several graphics that visualize the composting process.
The advantages of trench composting versus using a composting bin are listed. There are several advantages to burying kitchen scraps. There’s detailed instructions on how to do it. There is also instructions on how to rotate the trench. There’s an example of how to divide the space in the garden.
This article also features a graphic showing the yearly progression of the composting trench. The graphic depicts the location of the trench in each of the first three years. There’s also a graphic depicting the between-row trenching process. Another method illustrated in this article is the dig and drop trenching method.
If you want to add more food to the trench, consider using the items listed in the graphic. There’s an explanation of how to prepare the foods for the composting trench. There’s also a list of benefits for each type of composting food and material. Find out which foods are great at aerating the soil and which foods are great fertilizers.
There is also a list of items that shouldn’t be composted. This is helpful when preparing the composting trench. By avoiding the items on the banned list, there’s won’t be any problems composting. The soil will be healthier and more fertile if the banned items aren’t placed in the composting trench.
Source: Blog