Learn how to use an old hive ( evidently bees prefer old wood) and essential oil to bait it and help trap a bee swarm so that you will have a free swarm of local bees. This is a really good idea and look like it would be pretty simple to implement. The video of a swarm moving into the hive was pretty awesome to watch. It is about 25 minutes long but it starts off with one bee arriving, it like the palace and so start sending out the message by sticking its bum up in the air and waving its wings to send pheromones to the swarm and then you get to see the swarm arrive in bigger and bigger numbers and move right into that hive.Corujas farm in Northern Portugal does this each year with multiple hives and has pretty much perfected it. Luckily they share the information so anyone can have a try at capturing a swarm of free bees.

Click here to read more>>>> http://blog.corujas.net/attracting-swarms-to-get-free-bees