Garden BedsVertical Hanging Soda Pop Plastic Bottle Garden Project

Vertical Hanging Soda Pop Plastic Bottle Garden Project

This vertical hanging soda pop plastic bottle garden project are detailed in these easy steps that will guide you on how to make a soda bottle vertical garden.

Vertical Hanging Soda Pop Plastic Bottle Garden Project

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Whether you live in a luxury house, small unit with a small patio or an apartment without a balcony, it’s essential that you know the tricks on how to maximize your garden space or porch. Any plant or vegetable project you intend to start in your garden can be easy as long as you know how to plant. This is particularly true with the ingenious soda bottle vertical gardening system. You can start with seedlings, heirloom seeds or any seed you so want.

Vertical gardens hardly take up space, and the beauty of it is that you will get to save loads of groceries as well as eat healthily. Oh, don’t forget the joy you will feel each time you see how your plants and vegetables are growing.

Vertical Hanging Soda Pop Plastic Bottle Garden Project
BloomWall Vertical Wall Garden Planter (Buy Here – Amazon)

Materials and Tools:

plastic soda bottles

1/8″ galvanized aircraft cable wire

cable ferrules to crimp the wire

a wire cutter and cable swage tool

metal washers (#6)

S-hooks (3/4″)

a cork back metal ruler

piece of metal strapping

pen marker

loop turner (or other long, thin object)

masking tape

wood burner with a pointy tip

aquarium gravel

waterproof clear caulking or epoxy putty



It’s advisable that you start out with a modest production. This will give you time to learn more and manage things properly. Most importantly is the fact that you can start your indoor vertical garden now, and learn just how much fun container gardening truly is.

There are subtle differences for outdoors and indoors vertical gardens, and it’s recommended that you go for 2ltr soda bottles which are suitable for smaller herbs or plants because they might be easier to grow indoors. On the other hand, 3ltr soda bottles might work just fine for larger plants in an outdoor vertical garden.

Click here to read about how to make vertical hanging soda pop plastic bottle garden project:

Melissa Francis
Melissa Francis
Greetings! I'm Melissa Francis, the founder and primary contributor to The Homestead Survival. With over 20 years of experience in homesteading, sustainability, and emergency preparedness, I've dedicated my life to helping others achieve a simpler, more self-reliant lifestyle.


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