Raising LivestockVeterinary Check Up for a Homesteading Pig

Veterinary Check Up for a Homesteading Pig

Come read the entertaining account of a veterinary check up for a homesteading pig (Doink, is his name) and all that entails. Visits from the vet can be stressful for both the animal and its owner. This article gives a brief account of what happened when the vet came to visit a pig named Doink.

The most major concern is always the anesthesia because pot-bellied pigs always try to resist it and the same thing happened with Doink. When he did manage to finally come out he was injected and it resisted the effects till the very last minute. Once the anesthesia took effect the process began. The whole thing took around two hours and both the vet and the assistant were extremely professional, calm and helpful and were ready to answer or explain any questions or queries.

The recovery is a little hard and this time it took Doink around three days to resume its normal activities. The important thing is to keep the pigs hydrated once the anesthesia wears off till they become normal with regards to their activities.

Veterinary Check Up for a Homesteading Pig

Vet checkups are an annual thing and even though they can be stressful, they are extremely important to keep the animals safe and healthy and to avoid the pigs falling sick with a major diseases. Moreover, people are at risk of becoming sick if the pigs being raised on a homestead become ill if contagious. So for the well-being of everyone, it is important that either you take your animals to the vet or they come and pay you a visit at least once a year.

Click here to read about veterinary check up for a homesteading pig :


This video makes you feel sorry for the poor little guy….

Melissa Francis
Melissa Francis
Greetings! I'm Melissa Francis, the founder and primary contributor to The Homestead Survival. With over 20 years of experience in homesteading, sustainability, and emergency preparedness, I've dedicated my life to helping others achieve a simpler, more self-reliant lifestyle.

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