DIY ProjectsWater Stock Tank Swimming Pool Homesteading DIY Project

Water Stock Tank Swimming Pool Homesteading DIY Project

This water stock tank swimming pool homesteading diy project is a sturdy reuseable way to splish splash all summer long. Not everyone can afford Olympic-sized swimming pool, but we all want to relax and have some fun, particularly in the summer when the sun is at its peak and we are all so sweaty.

Water Stock Tank Swimming Pool Homesteading DIY Project

But despite the lack of huge budget for a gigantic swimming pool, there are stock tank pools that can easily be created at home and which serves the same purpose of cooling off in the steaming heat.

The advantages of stock tank pools is their ease of construction, their affordability and the fact that they don’t occupy so much space. Stock tank pools can also be installed above ground or dug into the ground.

To build your own stock tank pool, firstly you need to purchase a stock tank. Tractor Supply has a good collection of galvanized stock tanks. Stock tanks are also available on Amazon. The best stock tanks for pools are 10 foot diameter round and 2 feet in height. This height allows it to be safe for kids or toddlers.

After obtaining your stock tank, you are to prepare the space for its installment. You can spread decomposed granite on the ground where it is to be installed. The ground should be absolutely flat and away from trees that may clutter your pool with leaves.

The advantages stock tanks have over Intex pool are its affordability and its resilience; Intex pools are known to suffer from pinholes often. Intex pools are just not a good idea in a home where kids are abundant and play rough. It is also important, but not compulsory, to purchase and install a sand filter pump for cleaning the pool of debris and algae. The Sand Filters also come with automatic operations allowing it to clean up the pool at preset cycles. Although you may have Sand Filters you may still need to completely drain your pool once in awhile.

After installing your filters on your tank, you can fill it up with water and then you are ready to go.

Click here to read about how to build a water stock tank swimming pool homesteading diy project:

Melissa Francis
Melissa Francis
Greetings! I'm Melissa Francis, the founder and primary contributor to The Homestead Survival. With over 20 years of experience in homesteading, sustainability, and emergency preparedness, I've dedicated my life to helping others achieve a simpler, more self-reliant lifestyle.

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