If you are canning tomatoes you know that you need to remove the skin and usually the cores as well, but did you know that you can turn those skins and cores into tomato sauce for free? As it turns out you can. Just by saving all the skins and cores and any juice that doesn’t get canned with your tomatoes you can process all that stuff you would normally throw out and turn it into free tomato sauce with nothing more than time and a blender. NWedible shows you how and she says that you can usually get a pint of tomato sauce out of every 6 to 9 pounds of tomatoes that you skin and core.
Out of 50 pounds of tomatoes that you skin and core you can get 9 pints of nice thick tomato sauce. You just know that the tomato sauce made with home grown ripe red tomatoes would taste better than the canned sauce from the store and if you are already processing tomatoes why not make some sauce with the parts that you usually throw away. It just makes sense.