WaterHomemade Plastic Water Bottle Water Wheel Project

Homemade Plastic Water Bottle Water Wheel Project

This amazing homemade plastic water bottle water wheel project is simple to build and teaches an important off the grid concept. Consider building our own and start with a water bottle model. Read on to see how to make a simple and efficient plastic water wheel.

Homemade Plastic Water Bottle Water Wheel Project

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Humans have always attempted to harness nature for help in energy needs. From animals turning grinding wheels to modern solar harnessing, societies have relied on outside energy sources to run businesses and homes. In an ideal situation, self sufficient energy comes free or at low cost and can be tapped from nature.

Materials and Tools needed:

Super Glue

Box Cutter Razor

Metal Ruler

White Thread

20 Clear Empty Plastic Water Bottles

While solar power is readily available and has become affordable, there is still a cost outlay and dependence on manufactured parts. Before we learned to harness the power of the sun with efficiency, humanity used water power. More specifically, societies created and lived with water wheels.

The concept of a water wheel is to use the power of a moving water body to turn mechanical wheels. The wheel creates stronger motion than a human can and requires no outlay of effort. The wheels were normally attached to mills to grind wheat and in other small industries to power moving parts.

Up until the industrial revolution, most businesses had been using water wheel driven power for millennia. Although the concept is easy to understand, practical applications for home use require a running water source. Consider a homemade water wheel when looking to supplement energy needs at home.

A template for the wheel is easy to make using common water bottles. Cut the bottles into cup sizes and attach them to a central circular core with the cups in the same direction. The core can attach to a series of interlocking units that turn an appliance.

Click here to read about how to make a homemade plastic water bottle water wheel project:


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Melissa Francis
Melissa Francis
Greetings! I'm Melissa Francis, the founder and primary contributor to The Homestead Survival. With over 20 years of experience in homesteading, sustainability, and emergency preparedness, I've dedicated my life to helping others achieve a simpler, more self-reliant lifestyle.

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