These Baby Diaper Rash Home Remedies for Healing can really come in handy when you are trying to take your baby’s pain away quickly. It can be healed within days but it may take a week.

Known as diaper dermatitis, a diaper rash is an irritation on a baby around where their diapers are worn. A symptom of a baby having a diaper rash is finding a red rash on the buttocks and the back of the legs. It is a common problem for the first years of a child because it can also involve wearing a wet onesie on too long. Many skincare products have ingredients that make it worse rather than improve it. But, there are several options that are natural to cure a diaper rash.
1. Let Those Baby Butt Air Out – diaper rashes come from being wet too long.
2. Invest In Green Baby Products – soothing to skin
3. Soothe With Coconut Oil – has antifungal properties and creates a barrier.
4. Brew Chamomile Tea & Honey – add baby’s butt with cooled brew
5. Make A Homemade Rash Cream – Find It Here
6. Dab On Some Yogurt on bare baby butt
7. Apply Apple Cider Vinegar – dab gently across the skin
8. Soak With Epsom Salts and lukewarm to cool water
9. Try to get baby to Sip Cranberry Juice to change PH balance in the urine
10. Apply Aloe Vera to skin
11. Use An Oatmeal Bath to soothe baby’s skin
12. Consider Cornstarch as a soft soothing power to absorb moisture
13. Pat on Some Olive Oil to soothe and create a barrier
One of the best ways to heal a diaper rash is using a product adults would use on their own skin. For example, coconut oil, a tropical smoothing ointment that makes a barrier between the skin and what is causing the rashes.
Another popular product is the use of aloe vera gel, which is cooling and handles wiper rashes as it does on sunburns. You can also rely on talcum powder or cornstarch to dry out the baby’s bottom, just don’t let them inhale it because it’s not good for their lungs.
You can also use food to cure diaper rashes. Use plain yogurt and apply on the affected area as a thick paste and leave it on when changing diapers. Another everyday food to counter a diaper rash is olive oil when applied in a few drops during the diaper change.
Try to feed a spoonful of cranberry juice to balance the baby’s pH levels in their urine that can also lead to exposing the skin to rashes.