See how these boys went about catching fish with empty juice bottles. They caught quite a few fish. There might become a time in your life that your life could depend on your ability to catch food for you and your family.
Depending on your surroundings, that could involve catching or trapping fish from a local pond or lake. The trouble is you will not likely have a fishing pole and reel handy for you to easily catch fish.
This video was designed to introduce you to a method for building a fish trap that could make it easier to trap your dinner.
This method of catching fish with empty juice bottles is from, Cambodia Wilderness Channel. In the video, the presenter goes into great detail to describe all of the things you will need to have in order to build the trap.
They demonstrate the entire assembly process from the start to the finish. The information is presented in a way that makes it really easy for the viewer to follow.
Benefits of watching Fishing 101: Catching Fish with Empty Juice Bottles
Discover a unique method of successfully catching fish without the aid of a rod and reel.
The video shows describe all of the necessary materials, supplies, and tools that you need to get started.
The video all explains and demonstrates all of the necessary steps that you will need to follow in order to build the fish trap.
The video is the perfect medium for the presenter to use to demonstrate the method of trapping fish.