This step by step tutorial of how to homemade painted rock garden markers project is a fun, creative and simple craft project that involves the whole family. Using special, bright colors and a protective clear coat, these unique markers can be used year after year for many years without having to touch up the paint. Blue, Green, Purple, Red, Orange, Yellow, Black, White…. use different color combinations.
You could do the same old boring way of marking; a wooden stake with a seed packet stapled to it. One day of rain ruins the paper seed packet . A much better option would be a brightly colored rock with the name drawn on it and placed on the ground near each variety of plant.
Home gardening has become quite popular these days, especially with all of reports of bacterial contamination and the high cost of fresh organic vegetables.
If you have decided to take the plunge and start growing your own vegetables in a backyard garden you will need a way to be able to mark where you have planted the different varieties of plants.
Benefits of following the Painted Rock Garden Markers Project
DecoArt DASK276 Patio Paint Sample Pack
These paints are geared towards outdoor craft projects. Be sure to add a generous layer of clear spray paint to each painted rock marker.
● Project includes a complete list of the necessary materials and supplies needed
● It also includes a thorough description of the every step of the project
● Includes many full color images depicting completion of several steps
● Project is presented in a easy to read and understand format
Click here to read about how to homemade painted rock garden markers project: