GardeningIdentifying Companion Plants in Growing Garden

Identifying Companion Plants in Growing Garden

The Identifying Companion Plants in Growing Garden is a very valuable article on gardening was looking to help those who are new to gardening or those who tried it and were not exactly successful at it.

Identifying Companion Plants in Growing Garden

The article was designed to focus heavily on plants that are chosen for their unique characteristics and ability to be useful in specific ways in gardening. With great detail, explaining each of the 60-plus plants and telling how it can be used in gardening.

There are a number of combination that vegetables will grow better and work together in the garden. Planting certain vegetables next to each other can deter insects and inhibit growth.

The Benefits of Companion Planting Vegetables:

Shelter – larger plants protect others from wind or too much sun.

Support – Some vegetables can be used as physical supports for others. As an example, pole beans planted with corn use the corn as a trellis.

Beneficial Insects – attracting beneficial insects such as bees help spread pollin.

Soil Improvement – some vegetable plants improve soil conditions for other plants. For example, members of the legume family (beans etc.) draw nitrogen from the atmosphere and add it to the soil around them.

Decoy Plants – there are plants that emit odors that aid in masking the odors of insect-desirable vegetable plants.

Companion Plants:

Roses + Garlic

Marigolds + Melons

Tomatoes + Cabbage

Corn + Beans

Lettuce + Tall Flowers

Peppers + Pigweed

Cabbage + Dill

Radishes + Spinach

Cucumbers + Nasturtiums

Potatoes + Sweet Alyssum

Collards + Catnip

Asparagus + Carrots

Beets + “Chives, Garlic, Leeks, Onions”

Broccoli + “Celery, Cucumber, Garlic, Lettuce, Onion, Radish, Spinach, Swiss Chard”

Cabbage + “Beets, Bush Beans, Celery, Onion, Potato”

Cauliflower + “Beans, Celery, Peas, Spinach, Tomato”

Pumpkin + “Beans, Corn, Squash”

Gardening is an extremely popular activity in which millions and millions of people all over the world derive a lot of enjoyment from it. Whether you are looking to add some color and beauty to your property or looking to grow fruits and vegetable to use to feed your family in the case of homesteading. However, there is a whole lot to know about gardening and finding good sources of information is very important.

This article was designed to be one of those types of sources for gardening information in that it describes a number of beneficial plants for gardening.

Benefits of reading Gardening 101: How to identify and use companion plants in your garden

* Learn some valuable information about certain plants and how they can help you in your gardening efforts

* The article includes 60-plus beneficial plants that can be used in your garden in order to enhance it in some way

* The article describes each and every one of the plants and details about how it can be beneficial

* The article includes many full-color pictures that are designed to give you some help with identifying some of the plants

Supplies You’ll Need to Start Seeds Indoors:

Seeds: You can purchase seeds or have saved them yourself from the previous year.

Seed Starter “Soil” Mix: The medium that is used to germinate seeds is a soilless mix. It’s usually peat moss, vermiculite, perlite, or coir depending on who makes it. In any case, the advantages are the same: good drainage, lightweight, and no surprise diseases.

Containers: There’s many seed-starting containers to choose from; you just have to decide what works for you.

Labels: You will need to label your seedlings.

Heat: A warm room and heat from the lighting above may work for many seeds.

Water: You want good humidity to surround the seeds before they germinate so keep the soil mix damp and perhaps covered with plastic lid. Once they’ve popped up, remove the lid and water sparingly. Don’t let it dry out or overwater.

Click here to read about Identify Companion Plants in Growing Garden:

Melissa Francis
Melissa Francis
Greetings! I'm Melissa Francis, the founder and primary contributor to The Homestead Survival. With over 20 years of experience in homesteading, sustainability, and emergency preparedness, I've dedicated my life to helping others achieve a simpler, more self-reliant lifestyle.

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