This Monarch Butterflies Garden Fence Wall Art Craft Project is a creative way to bring color and elements of nature infused into your garden space. You may even way to build a small wooden shelf attached to your butterfly artwork so you can place a small salad bowl filled with small rocks or glass marbles. Add water daily so butterflies and honeybees have a safe place to land without the risk of drowning but can get a refreshing drink of water.
Materials and Tools needed from this project
Pencil or pen
Electric sander
Sand Paper
Random wooden things (for the butterflies bodies)
Metal brackets & screws
Sealer coat
Black paint
Orange paint
White paint
Nails and Hooks
Butterfly Stencil – Find it here…
Click here to read about how to create Monarch Butterflies Garden Fence Wall Art Craft Project – Butterfly:
Let the saying “Like a Butterfly, I am growing and changing and finding my true colors. I am finding my wings in life so I can fly and soon be on my way.”