Raising LivestockAutomatic Arduino Coop Door Opener and Closer

Automatic Arduino Coop Door Opener and Closer

If you have chickens and sometimes wish you didn’t because of having to let them out and close them in morning and night, check out this automatic arduino coop door opener and closer. How wonderful to be able to sleep in on weekends while your automatic coop door lets the chickens out and closes them up at dark if you haven’t made it home yet.

If the chickens are not closed up into the coop at night you run the risk of losing them to predators and having this automatic door closer can save your chickens and give you a little freedom from having to be at that coop door at dark and at first light. Not only will this open and close the door but it has a few other features as well. It was made by Robot-Chicken who lists the features as follows.

Automatic Arduino Coop Door Opener and Closer

The main features of the ACCC:

  • Based on the Arduino architecture for easy prototyping and adaptation to your coop requirements

  • Uses common parts easily found at you local DIY/hardware store/shop such as cheap electric screw drivers

  • Uses a real time clock to maintain time even when the device is temporary disconnected from power

  • Adjusts the opening and closing times of the door according to the current month – you can set it to your own time zones

  • Provides a manual override just in case one of your lovely darlings misses sunset!

  • Provides a min and max temperature reading inside the coop from midnight so you can keep an eye on your brood’s well-being

  • A display which can be switched on and off to read out the current ACCC status and will not disturb your feathered friends sleep at night.

All the plans are listed as well as a video is provided and you can even download the plans in a pdf. So with a little time and effort you can have an automatic door on your chicken coop and get back some freedom from the twice daily ritual of door opener/closer  to your chickens. You can find the tutorial on Instructables.

Read more>>>>> http://www.instructables.com/id/Arduino-Chicken-Coop-Controller/

Paige Raymond
Paige Raymond
Raised in rural Montana and educated in Mechanical Engineering and Sustainable Development, Paige Raymond combines a practical mindset with a passion for self-reliance and sustainability. With expertise ranging from mechanical solutions and food preservation to emergency preparedness and renewable energy, Paige is a proud author with more than 5000 published articles.

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