HerbsMost Effective Homemade Painkillers You Need To Know

Most Effective Homemade Painkillers You Need To Know

Homemade Painkillers

It’s often quite tempting to go for a pill whenever you have any pain, whether it is a backache, toothache, or any other pain in your body. But the problem with relying on OTC pills is that they come with several side effects. Fortunately, there are homemade painkillers that you can leverage and avoid regularly using OTC drugs.

There are a ton of herbs that could help with inflammation, as well as other medical conditions. These natural options are way safer than the manufactured pills and, even more, are readily available. In this post, I’ll highlight some of the most effective homemade painkillers you can use without visiting a health facility.

Some of the Most Effective Homemade Painkillers

1. Turmeric

You probably have heard about curry, and you’ve also enjoyed the delightful flavor that comes with it. But maybe you don’t know that Turmeric goes a long way. For example, Turmeric contains curcumin, which is responsible for protecting your body from dangerous molecules that can severely damage your cells and tissues. Even more, Turmeric can be used to treat various conditions such as ulcers, stomach upsets, cancer, indigestion, and others.

2. Cloves

Cloves can spice up your stew, especially for meat and rice delicacies and other foods. When intended to be used as a medicine, cloves can be found in powder, oil, or capsule form.

And just as other herbal medications, cloves play an essential role in easing nausea and colds. Additionally, cloves can be beneficial in relieving headaches, toothaches, inflammation, among other conditions.

However, not anybody can take cloves. It is important to note that this herbal medication may not go well with people on various drugs. For example, people undergoing blood-thinning medication should avoid clove, unless advised by your medical practitioners.

3. Heat and Ice

This may be one of the most common homemade painkillers, but most people don’t get it right when they should use ice and heat. Sure, you can apply heat and ice to relieve pain in the area you are feeling the pain, but how should you use it?

You can apply ice to minimize the inflammation and swelling soon after you get a strain in your ligament or muscle. Once the swelling has stopped, you need to subject the area to heat to reduce the stiffness.

You can also use ice on your head to relieve you from headache. People with arthritis could also find moist heat helpful. It is essential to consult your doctor when injured on whether you can use heat or ice.

4. Ginger

According to a study conducted by the Journal Arthritis, Ginger has anti-inflammatory properties that are more effective than ibuprofen used to relieve pain. The study also confirmed that pills such as Advil hinder the formation of inflammatory elements.

On the other hand, Ginger helps by blocking some of the inflammatory properties, such as leukotriene, and has antioxidant elements, which will help break down the joints’ inflammation and acidity.



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