These insightful frugal gardening tricks for frugal homesteaders can save money and re use materials you may already have around your home.
Save money by starting your garden plants from seed. The price of a packet of seed keeps going up, but so does the price of plants. Seeds are still a great deal so spend that extra bit of time and effort to get a jump start on your growing season.
Network with other gardeners to do a free seed swap. Save twice as much seeds as you normally do at the end of the growing season to share with others and have enough to re plant the following year.
Learning to use recycle salvaged materials is money saving goal mine that serves different purposes in the garden. Newspapers make great weed barriers, used coffee filters are good at the bottom of containers to help retain moisture, cut of the bottom of a plastic milk jug to protect seedlings in cool springs and cardboard rolls from toilet paper rolls can be used as cut worm collars or seed starting pots.
Visit a salvage yard, thrift store or yard sales to look for cages, stakes and unusual supports for climbing vine plants.
Rain water can be the healthiest form liquid nourishment for your garden because it lacks chlorine and as an added bonus… it is free. Water is one of those gardening expenses we don’t really noticed until the bill comes.
Grow your own groceries can bring down your monthly food expenses.
You can see even more tips on the video by Guy Brown below.
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