CleanersHomemade Frugal Liquid Carpet Cleaner Soap Recipe

Homemade Frugal Liquid Carpet Cleaner Soap Recipe

This homemade frugal liquid carpet cleaner soap recipe can be made from simple ingredients that are often already in your cleaning closet. This recipe is completely compatible with carpet cleaning machines.

Carpet cleaning soap is an be expensive (overpriced) item to buy and can leave an undesirable chemical scent in your home. However, it’s quite easy to create a homemade carpet cleaning soap for pennies on the dollar. You can customize the carpet cleaning soap to a lovely scent your family and pets will be comfortable with.

Homemade Frugal Liquid Carpet Cleaner Recipe

A study done by the University of Arizona found an average of 421,000 different bacteria on shoes. Coliforms, a bacterial indicator of the level of sanitation of foods and water (and universally present in feces), were detected on the bottoms of 96% of shoes.

Researchers then wanted to know about the transfer of bacteria from shoes to uncontaminated home floors. They discovered that the transfer of bacteria from shoes to home flooring surfaces (carpeting, wood and tile floors) ranged from 90% to 99% contamination.

People should be cleaning their carpeting more often or remove their shoes near the foot door entrance.

Here is a recipe that helps carpets stay clean and smell wonderful.

To make it, gather these ingredients and tools:

1 cup of hydrogen peroxide

1 tablespoon of Oxiclean

½ cup of fabric softener

1/8 cup of dish liquid (Dawn or Dr. Bronners)

one gallon plastic or glass container with a lid


Obviously, the more important part of the process is having an actual carpet-cleaning machine. It is a bit expensive to buy one, so just rent one and it can be found at grocery (Safeway, Publix, Winn-Dixie, Fred Myers) and home improvement stores (Home Depot, Lowe’s). With hydrogen peroxide, drop a tiny amount of it on the carpet in a tiny area that can’t be seen. Wait a half-hour and check if the carpet has changed its color. If so, don’t use this hydrogen peroxide.

First, add the ingredients to the container with a funnel. Second, fill the container up with warm water. Afterwards, fill up the tank of the carpet-cleaning machine with warm water and mix in two ounces of the new solution made. Then, clean the carpet accordingly. Keep the rest of the solution in the bottle for the future to keep a pretty scent over the carpet after cleaning. It’s that simple and easy to make.

Melissa Francis
Melissa Francis
Greetings! I'm Melissa Francis, the founder and primary contributor to The Homestead Survival. With over 20 years of experience in homesteading, sustainability, and emergency preparedness, I've dedicated my life to helping others achieve a simpler, more self-reliant lifestyle.

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