Learn how to refresh and clean your pillows. Cleaning and refreshing your pillows three times a year is a way to remove dust, mold, bacteria, dead skin cells and allergens.
Every evening we lay our heads upon our pillows for an average of six to nine hours a night but it is an often overlooked item to clean. You will breathe better as you sleep. Clean My Space shares tips for cleaning and refreshing your pillows. She even tells you the signs that it is time to replace your pillow.
One thing I do every time I wash my pillows is adding 10 drops of eucalyptus oil to the wash because eucalyptus kills dust mites even better than bleach.
I also keep an allergy control pillowcase on my pillows because I have really bad allergies. Another tip for folks that like to shower at night and end up going to bed with wet hair. You should make sure your hair is totally dry before you go to bed because believe it or not but wet hair can actually develop mold overnight. If you suffer from allergies to mold think about having it in your hair all day. Make sure it is dry before bed.
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