Add these unique crops to your garden and grow the unusual. Gardening is a healthy passion for many people across the world. There is some unique satisfaction in growing your own herbs or produce. It is not only aesthetically pleasing but a garden full of good crops can become a great cooking partner. Summer time is very fruitful for gardening purposes as there is much more vibrant range of crops that you can grow.
A garden doesn’t need fruits only to showcase colours because a vegetable garden can be quite colourful as well. Vegetables are a great addition to summer dishes. Vegetable dishes are not only healthy but the fresh produce right from the garden can add an amazing taste to your summer cooking. Growing your own vegetables is the combination of indulgence and practicality. Vegetables are believed to start losing their nutritional value as soon as they are harvested so plucking them right from your garden just before cooking gives you much better nutritional value.
In this article from Buzzfeed, ten garden crops are discussed which are easy to grow but are unique as many of them are unheard of. It is quite informative and also provides further links that lead to more information about the crops mentioned. Have fun in the garden by adding these unique crops. It’s nice to have tomatoes and zucchini but these will add interest and flavors that are not so ordinary.