Garden BedsSpring Carrots How To

Spring Carrots How To

If you have ever tried to grow carrots in the spring you may have run into some of the problems in this article. I know I usually plant mine in spring and I get about a fourth of the seeds to actually make a carrot.

This article from Grow A Good Life has information that I think will help me get a better crop of spring carrots. Every time I pants carrot seeds it seems like it takes them forever to sprout, just when I am about to give up and plant something else there they finally begin breaking through. The problem is that I plant a space that is about 4×4 of carrot seeds and I end up with about 8 carrots in quarter of the space.

The rest of the seeds just never appear. According to this article I think my problem is two of the reasons listed. I am not keeping the soil  moist all of the time after they start sprouting and the soil get a hard crust when dry before they sprout. In this article you will find out how they managed to fix the problem and got a nice crop of carrots in September, just in time to sow fall carrots. Last year some of mine were really late and super tiny when cold weather came in the fall so when we raked the leaves I put a two foot tall layer over that garden bed and we dug the carrot this spring when we got ready to sow new seeds.

The carrots stayed in the ground all winter and they were the sweetest carrots I have ever eaten. Another huge reward for putting the leaves on and leaving them is when we took them off the raised bed and put them in the compost pile, the garden bed didn’t have a single weed, the soil was still loose and totally crawling with earth worms. Since I planted green manure cover crops last fall and then just threw the leaves in on top of that, my garden soil should be super loose and full of nutrients and the way my beans are growing I think they are loving it.

Click here>>>>>     Spring Carrots How To

Melissa Francis
Melissa Francis
Greetings! I'm Melissa Francis, the founder and primary contributor to The Homestead Survival. With over 20 years of experience in homesteading, sustainability, and emergency preparedness, I've dedicated my life to helping others achieve a simpler, more self-reliant lifestyle.

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