Off GridSwitch from Electric Stove to Wood Cooking

Switch from Electric Stove to Wood Cooking

Here is how to switch from electric stove to wood cooking in your off the grid homestead kitchen. Stoves are ignited with electricity today, but some people want to go off the grid (old school) and use wood. Of course, the cooking would be a bit slower than the electric stove, but the taste of the food is more authentic, such as a wood-baked pizza.

Switch from Electric Stove to Wood Cooking

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People who are into the more isolated life far from the city can afford to try this out because there is more room to do the switch from modern electric to old school wood.

It is easier to create a stove that goes through the wall than through the roof. First main thing is to draw out the path of the stove’s chute and cut out a hole. Make sure to note any layers of wood or cement that is behind the wall. Afterwards, install the thimble -chimney sleeve – that completely encloses the area where the pipe will go through. This will add more clearance between the shielded double wall pipe and the wooden section of the house.

Switch from Electric Stove to Wood Cooking
Wood Burning Cook Stove La Nordica “Rosa Maiolica White” with Wood Burning Baking Oven

Once it is all set, go ahead with the pipe installation that sticks out from the house and outside.The double wall pipe will keep the heat away from being felt. Make sure the top of the pipe has a certain roof so the smoke doesn’t just funnel out as a whole. Temperature wise, install a thermometer to have the right temperature when cooking and get legit firewood when using it. Just like that, a wooden stove is there.

Click here to read about how to switch from electric stove to wood cooking:

Melissa Francis
Melissa Francis
Greetings! I'm Melissa Francis, the founder and primary contributor to The Homestead Survival. With over 20 years of experience in homesteading, sustainability, and emergency preparedness, I've dedicated my life to helping others achieve a simpler, more self-reliant lifestyle.

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