Communication10 Cent Mod Will Double Ham Radio Communication Range

10 Cent Mod Will Double Ham Radio Communication Range

This 10 cent mod will double radio communication range therefore boosting your equipment to it’s fullest ability.

10 Cent Mod Will Double Ham Radio Communication Range

Make sure you like The Homestead Survival on Facebook, Shop on AMAZON with Us and explore our  PINTEREST BOARDS  for innovative ways you can become self-sufficient on a budget.

There is a great dependency on money, but most of the time, you need little or no money at all to make some things happen. Humans in this age of technology are not self-sufficient. They are very dependent on money and other people for basic things. They prefer to have things done for them and handed to them.

Manufacturers of electronic items may sometimes sacrifice quality for demand. They take into account the preference of buyers and use that to justify the inadequacy of a product or often the inadequacy of some parts of the product. For example, people prefer portable devices to the bigger ones. So, manufacturers may sacrifice the efficiency of some parts, just to satisfy the people (forget about the extra money they will get).

This article talks about the basic things you can do to enhance the range of your two-way radio. It is an example of the many simple things you can do by yourself with little or no money, without depending on others and if you choose to the homesteading lifestyle of self-sufficiency.

Instead of paying to get something created or repaired for you or even going as far as purchasing an entirely new one, you can simply fix, upgrade and enhance it yourself. The article provides you with two different choices of what can be done to boost the range of your two-way radio.

It encourages you and sheds more light on a choice that is financially favorable and promotes your homesteading self-sufficient lifestyle.

Click here to read about how this 10 cent mod will double ham radio communication range:



Melissa Francis
Melissa Francis
Greetings! I'm Melissa Francis, the founder and primary contributor to The Homestead Survival. With over 20 years of experience in homesteading, sustainability, and emergency preparedness, I've dedicated my life to helping others achieve a simpler, more self-reliant lifestyle.

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