Articles6 Houseplant Buying Tips That Every Homeowner Should Know

6 Houseplant Buying Tips That Every Homeowner Should Know

Indoor plants have gained much popularity in recent years. They come in different varieties, colors, and maintenance needs. No matter your choice, you will reap many benefits from these plants, including improving indoor air quality and stress alleviation.

There are many plants for sale, and shopping can be daunting. But knowing some facts helps in the selection. Are you shopping for an indoor plant and don’t know where to begin? Here are some buying tips to know;

  1. Compare different pants

You will get different plants of the same variety, and you want to pick the right one. Compare them and choose the highest quality one. Go for fuller lush plants with no markings or spots on the leaves. You may want to choose the tallest, but you will also get healthy smaller plants. Consider other aspects like light and temperature requirements and choose one to suit your space.

2. Inspect the plant

You want to choose a healthy plant and should inspect all parts to ensure it’s in good shape. Check the overall condition and avoid plants that look weak or withered. Look for bruises and avoid damaged plants.

Here are some dos:

  • Pick healthy plants with soft stems and fresh leaves.
  • Check for spots on the leaves, for this could be a sign of disease or pests.
  • Check for yellow leaves or wilting and avoid such plants.

3. Check the label

The label consists of crucial information, so read it carefully. You will get details concerning the care and maintenance, including light requirements, watering, and nutrient needs. You can determine whether to pick the plant from the maintenance needs. If the information isn’t clear, speak to the workers or search for more information online.

4. Examine for pests

Pests and diseases are common and will cost you more to treat. Look for pests and insets on the undersides of leaves or growing buds and tips. It may be difficult to spot them if you don’t check carefully. Therefore, take your time, and look for aphids, mites, scales, etc. Also, examine for

holes, distortions, blisters, and sticky leaves. Avoid pest-infested plants and only choose healthy and fresh plants.

5. Consider the size

All plant sizes have pros and cons. Small ones are low-cost and may require attention to grow to maturity. Similarly, large ones are mature and hardy and are more costly. Choose one to suit your space and needs. If your space is crowded, go for a small plant to avoid overcrowding.

6. Avoid plants in full bloom

You may be attracted by flowering plants in full bloom. But, the flowers may fade within days and take time to grow again. Choose ones with some flower buds, meaning they will bloom once you bring them home. Ensure the foliage is healthy, and ask any questions to clear doubts.


Indoor plants make perfect choices for any modern home. You will get them in different varieties, but not all suit your space. Talk to the vendor about the requirements and maintenance needs, and choose a beautiful plant to improve your home aesthetics.

Heather Jones
Heather Jones
Hello! I'm Heather Jones, a dedicated writer and expert in the fields of DIY projects, home improvement, and emergency preparedness. With over 15 years of hands-on experience, I'm committed to sharing practical tips and tricks to help you make the most out of your home and life.

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