Here is how to Adapt Reflective Car Sun Shade For Winter Home Windows to save money on your heating bills throughout the cold winter months. Electric utility bills are skyrocketing in the years during the freezing cold months.
In the winter, windows that are southward are good for the winter, helping warm the home. Even by shutting the blinds or curtains, the heat may escape through the windows. These reflective car sun shades are amazing at blocking and reflecting the UV rays, capturing the sun heating rays and keep the heat you generate inside your …. inside. Yes, they can also block your view on the windows that they are hung on but most people have their curtains drawn close away in the winter. This is about how to make a car sunshade fit on the home’s windows for heat energy saving.
Get a large car sunshade about 60 in. x 30 in., clips, and supporting rods usually made for vertical windows. If lucky, all that is needed is to place the sunshade on the window and simply close the blinds. For ventilation, open the window slightly and fold back the sunshade. Install the sunshade flatly because it prevents the sun’s UV rays from penetrating the window and any fan folding could tighten these rays and inadvertently make a solar cooker effect.
For all vertical windows, get the supporting rods and clips and install the shade as mentioned above. Another option is the self-expanding shade, but getting a one-piece will limit adjusting the shield. A two-piece can hold the halves in place with the clips. In late evenings, fold back the sunshade and ventilate even more with the ceiling fan. This special set up keeps the room fairly cool during those summer heat waves. In preventing those major rays from coming through and force homeowners to use the air conditioner more, we can save using energy to keep us cool those hot days.