SewingBlue Jean Patchwork Skirt Sewing Craft Project

Blue Jean Patchwork Skirt Sewing Craft Project

This Blue Jean Patchwork Skirt Sewing Craft Project was designed to give the reader a pattern for turn that pair of old jeans into a handmade cool creative skirt. Make your skirt unique in every way!

Blue Jean Patchwork Skirt Sewing Craft Project

Normally, nobody would not hack up a perfectly good pair of jeans but there can be several different reasons that can lead to being “upcycled” and “refashioning”. Worn out, ripped or even a stained.

If you have a pair of blue jeans in your dresser drawer and want to give them a 2nd functional piece of clothing…… you should try refashioning them.

Materials and Tools:

Scissors. You need them to cut your fabric and thread. …

Measure Tape

Sewing Machine or handheld sewing needles

Pins and Pincushion(s)

Iron and Water Sprayer

Thimble and Threader



A pair of blue jeans

Additional fabric material


Denim blue jeans can be re-purposed into many different types of wearable fashions clothing items. If you have a little bit of sewing experience it is easy to re-purpose a pair of old blue jeans and create a very beautiful skirt.

You can use the neutral jean material along with any other type of colored material.

Benefits of reading the craft project: Refashion old jeans into a skirt

* The pattern included in the project has a complete list of all of the necessary materials, supplies, and tools needed to get started

* It also includes a complete, easy to read and follow step by step instructional guide that covers the construction from start to finish

* There are several full-color pictures that help to provide a good visual reference for the project

Click here to read about how to Sew Blue Jeans Into Frugal Simple Skirt Craft Project:

Melissa Francis
Melissa Francis
Greetings! I'm Melissa Francis, the founder and primary contributor to The Homestead Survival. With over 20 years of experience in homesteading, sustainability, and emergency preparedness, I've dedicated my life to helping others achieve a simpler, more self-reliant lifestyle.

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