EHow shares directions for how to build a lamb nursing milk bar. If you plan to take care of several baby lambs, it can be exhausting and time-consuming to feed each lamb with a bottle.
Feeding Schedule – adjust according to lamb size
1-2 days 2-3 ounces, 6 times a day.
3-4 days 3-5 ounces, 6 times per day.
5-14 days 4-6 ounces, 4 times per day. Start offering lamb starter.
15-21 days 6-8 ounces, 4 times per day
22-35 days 16 ounces, 3 times per day
22-35 days 16 ounces, 3 times per day
Make changes in feeds and amounts slowly. Keep fresh water available.
Lambs may be weaned after they are 4 weeks of age, when the lambs weight is over
35 – 40 pounds and are eating lamb starter well.
35 – 40 pounds and are eating lamb starter well.