ChickensChickens Lay Abnormal Eggs and What It Means - The Homestead Survival

Chickens Lay Abnormal Eggs and What It Means – The Homestead Survival

This Chickens Lay Abnormal Eggs and What It Means was designed to introduce homesteading readers to 10 common abnormalities found in chicken eggs. Soft Shell/No Shell Eggs, Lash Eggs, Incomplete pigmentation, Bumps on eggs, Very Small Eggs, Double Yolkers, White banded eggs, Egg inside an egg, Speckled Eggs and Odd shaped eggs

Chickens Lay Abnormal Eggs and What It Means - The Homestead Survival

Raising chickens can be a rewarding experience, however, it can also be a bit challenging when you are presented with unusual circumstances.

For the most part, people raise chickens for laying eggs and chickens are usually very prolific about laying eggs. However, there are times when things go wrong and they lay abnormal eggs.

The author was looking to share their extensive knowledge about raising chickens and was looking to educate those people who are wanting to get started or are currently already raising chickens. Each of the 10 points mentioned is explained in great detail in hopes to make it really easy for everyone to get an understanding of what they are sharing.

Bright sunlight in the summer can cause pale shelled eggs, however the exact reason for this phenomenon is still widely unknown. Keeping birds enclosed for several days can reverse this.

Laying cycles – chickens coming into or out of lay will take a few days before their oviducts start to function properly causing poor quality abnormal shells. This can lead to thin shelled eggs. Furthermore, as the bird goes through her cycle, her oviduct loses its tone leading to oddly shaped eggs.

Stress can cause abnormal egg shells.

Blood on egg shell – Small blood vessels ruptured in the hen’s vagina from excessive straining. This is more common in young pullets coming into lay and overweight hens.

Click here to read about Chickens Lay Abnormal Eggs and What It Means:


As an added bonus, You may want to take a peek at the article “Common Chicken Egg Laying Quality Problems”:




Melissa Francis
Melissa Francis
Greetings! I'm Melissa Francis, the founder and primary contributor to The Homestead Survival. With over 20 years of experience in homesteading, sustainability, and emergency preparedness, I've dedicated my life to helping others achieve a simpler, more self-reliant lifestyle.

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