ChickensThe Ultimate Guide to Building Your Chicken Tractor: Top 10 Tips and...

The Ultimate Guide to Building Your Chicken Tractor: Top 10 Tips and More!

Hey, homesteaders! Are you looking to build a chicken tractor that’s not just functional but also durable and efficient? Well, you’re in luck! We’ve stumbled upon an incredible blog post by Kelsey Jorissen Olesen from Green Willow Homestead Blog, featured on The Prairie Homestead. Kelsey shares her top 10 tips for building a chicken tractor that you won’t want to miss!

Why a Chicken Tractor?

Before we dive into the tips, let’s talk about why you’d want a chicken tractor in the first place. Chicken tractors are mobile coops that allow your chickens to graze on fresh grass, catch bugs, and fertilize the soil, all while staying protected from predators. It’s a win-win for both you and your feathered friends!

Top 10 Tips from the Expert

1. Ventilation and Shade

  • Ensure proper ventilation to keep the air fresh and humidity low.
  • Provide shade for your chickens to escape the hot sun.

2. Protection from Predators

  • Use heavy-duty welded wire fencing and hardware cloth for maximum security.

3. Daily Movement

4. Pecking Order

  • Address pecking issues by identifying the bully or the victim and taking appropriate action.

5. Roosting Bars

  • Place roosting bars higher than nesting boxes to satisfy your hens’ natural instincts.

6. Exterior Nesting Box Access

  • Make your life easier with exterior access to nesting boxes for quick egg collection.

7. Heavy-Duty Tires and Hardware

  • Choose quality tires and hardware to ensure smooth mobility.

8. Human-Sized Access Doors

  • Include large doors for easy access for feeding, cleaning, and medical care.

9. Durable Materials

  • Invest in quality materials like corrugated metal siding and high-quality hardware.

10. Annual Maintenance

  • Regularly check and maintain your chicken tractor to ensure its longevity.

Additional Insights

  • Roosters for Peace: Consider adding a rooster to maintain peace within the flock.
  • Eco-Friendly Stains: Use eco-friendly stains to preserve untreated pine lumber.

Wrapping Up

Kelsey also offers downloadable, printable Mobile Chicken Tractor Build Plans that come with a materials list, step-by-step instructions, and bonus tips. So, if you’re serious about building a chicken tractor that stands the test of time, make sure to check out her original blog post for all the juicy details!

So, what are you waiting for? Grab your tools and start building the chicken tractor of your dreams today!

Bryan Thomas
Bryan Thomas
Hello, I'm Bryan Thomas, a passionate advocate for sustainable living, emergency preparedness, and self-reliance. With over a decade of experience in homesteading and a background in environmental science, I aim to educate and inspire others to live a more sustainable and self-sufficient lifestyle.

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