ChickensMobile Homesteading Chicken Tractor

Mobile Homesteading Chicken Tractor

A mobile homesteading chicken tractor is a tremendous value on the homestead and is secure enough to keep your chickens safe, sound and secure on their daily outing from the main chicken coop.

Mobile Homesteading Chicken Tractor

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While you may be unfamiliar with keeping poultry, it is rewarding in so many ways to see happy, fat chickens pottering around a yard. And daily fresh eggs are a great money-saver!

How can you keep chickens when you don’t have a lot of land? Try a mobile chicken coop (or “chicken tractor”)! This movable coop plus chicken run will allow you to shift the coop regularly and give the chickens a fresh patch of ground to eat and walk on, keeping your lawn from becoming damaged in one area, and allowing the chickens to browse for weeds and insects everywhere while still having protection from predators like coyotes or hawks.

1. Start with nesting boxes: Chickens will nest in anything they can get their bodies into. Overturned trash cans, cat litter boxes, buckets, or old shelves will all be accepted by your hens. You can use straw or shredded paper for nesting material.

2. Build a coop around the nesting boxes and roost: Chickens need a bar, stick or shelf to roost on and sleep (2 to 4 inches wide), which must be at least 10” off the ground. Place this across the front of the nesting boxes with some space in between so they can ‘hop’ from roost to nesting box if they desire. Build a snug, secure coop around everything. Chickens love a warm, dim area to nest and sleep in. If the roof of the coop is hinged, it’s easy to access the eggs and birds.

3. Build the chicken run: Attach a frame of wood around the front of the chicken coop, and fence it with chicken fencing. This floorless run will be the area for the chickens to move around in. It should be at least 2 feet tall and 6 feet long.

4. Put wheels on the coop so it can be easily pulled from area to area in your yard.

With designs like these, your cozy home will soon be everything you ever dreamed of.

Click here to read about mobile homesteading chicken tractor:


Melissa Francis
Melissa Francis
Greetings! I'm Melissa Francis, the founder and primary contributor to The Homestead Survival. With over 20 years of experience in homesteading, sustainability, and emergency preparedness, I've dedicated my life to helping others achieve a simpler, more self-reliant lifestyle.

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