CraftsCreate Halloween Paper Plates Skeleton Craft Project

Create Halloween Paper Plates Skeleton Craft Project

This tutorial of how to create a Halloween paper plates skeleton craft project is a step by step method that children will jump for joy to make. They will be thrilled to hang their paper skelton upon the wall.

Create Halloween Paper Plates Skeleton Craft Project

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Halloween is usually a period when kids create fun arts and craft, one of such creations is the paper plate skeleton. Back in the day, this fun activity used to make a great fall decoration.

Now, with this template you can learn how to do this, but before you get started, you will need to have

– A paper hole punch

– Scissors, permanent marker, and pencil

– Jute for tying each part together

– About 18 pieces of paper plates.

To make your own paper plate skeleton, follow these simple steps below.

– Use the template to trace one of each hip, shoulder, rib and head as well as 10 bones onto the paper plates. To make the project a bit more personal, use your one hands and feet when tracing the parts.

– Start cutting out your pieces; you should have 10 long bones, two feet, two hands, one hip, one rib piece, one shoulder/neck and one head.

– Personalize your skeleton by drawing on its face.

– Tie your joints together with approximately 4” pieces of jute

You don’t stop tying until he is all put together

– When you are done, hang your finished skeleton on the wall and smile.

Click here to read about how to create a Halloween paper plates skeleton craft project:

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Melissa Francis
Melissa Francis
Greetings! I'm Melissa Francis, the founder and primary contributor to The Homestead Survival. With over 20 years of experience in homesteading, sustainability, and emergency preparedness, I've dedicated my life to helping others achieve a simpler, more self-reliant lifestyle.

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