Even if it is November time now, you can already prepare for the upcoming spring and try out this dandelion jelly recipe. Make sure the dandelions you pick are organic and have not been sprayed with weed killer. Time to collect your empty jars already now!
Dandelion jelly tastes a bit like honey according to Simply Canning who shares this recipe. How wonderful to take a lowly weed and make something edible from it. Dandelions bloom in the spring and again in the fall so you could actually make jelly twice a year.
Ingredients – option 1
- 200-250 pieces Dandelion Flowers freshly plucked
- 1 quart Water
- Sugar quantity according to infused water
- Juice of 1 Lemon
Ingredients – option 2
Making Dandelion Jelly with Powdered Pectin
- 3 Cups dandelion tea
- 4 1/2 Cups sugar
- 2 Tbsp. lemon juice
- 1 box powdered pectin
Add dandelion tea, lemon juice, 1 box of pectin into a large saucepan. Bring to a boil. Add your sugar and bring back to a boil. Continue boiling 1-2 minutes. Remove from heat and fill jars.
Pour hot jelly into hot canning or jelly jars, leaving 1/4 inch head space. Use pints or 1/2 pints.
Process for
- 10 minutes if you are below 6000 ft elevation.
- 15 minutes if you are above 6000 ft elevation.
Why Didn’t My Dandelion Jelly Set?
Dandelion jelly like all jellies can have problems setting if something goes wrong during the cooking process.
It could be that it wasn’t cooked enough or it was overcooked.