Natural RemediesFight Infections with Antibiotic Antibacterial Infused Foods

Fight Infections with Antibiotic Antibacterial Infused Foods

Everyone can help Fight Infections with Antibiotic Antibacterial Infused Foods which a strong disease-fighting foods that fight bacteria, germs and viruses. For infections, there are various ways – 10 in total – to cure infections.

Fight Infections with Antibiotic Antibacterial Infused Foods

Here’s a rundown of those ten foods. First, there is ginger for the stomach flu, which can cut down inflammation in the intestines and stomach lining.

There is garlic for yeast infections for women, as well as any infection around the urinary tract and vagina. Its own components can treat yeast infections and any fungi that results in itchiness.

Another food for women is yogurt to treat leukorrhea, a vaginal release that suddenly comes out during any hormone changes and can occur during any vaginal infection.

A common cure for sore throats is lemon juice because of the high amount of vitamin C.

Have a sinus infection? Get a Cayenne pepper that drain the sinus; ever notice why spicy foods can lead to runny noses?

Urinary tract infection? Eat some cranberries.

Nagging ear infection? Go to onions and their juices.

Coconut oil is a common ingredient for many things, including most rashes in the mouth.

Honey is another common food to consume, especially with lemon for tea, so have it for any upper respiratory infections.

Finally, for that nagging condition pink eye, drink some hot black tea.

Let’s talk natural. Not about talking naturally, but about consuming natural ingredients. Food is in a state of naturalism because of the awareness of preservatives and chemicals in foods and medicine that do more harm than good. So, we have invested into what is good and what is bad for the body and what remedies can help. For illnesses, we spend a few billion on various medicines, strong, nasty tasting, and artificially flavored, when we can just use natural foods to take care of those ills.

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Melissa Francis
Melissa Francis
Greetings! I'm Melissa Francis, the founder and primary contributor to The Homestead Survival. With over 20 years of experience in homesteading, sustainability, and emergency preparedness, I've dedicated my life to helping others achieve a simpler, more self-reliant lifestyle.

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