How to get rid conjunctivitis pink eye without antibiotics to relieve symptoms through natural home remedies.
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Also called conjunctivitis, pink eye is an unpleasant condition to have. The tissues under the eyelids and white area of the eyeballs are swollen. Children usually suffer from it the most and it is cause by bacteria, which can be transmitted to different people if not treated quickly. Pink eye can be prevented by consistent hand washing, no use of eye makeup, and avoiding the use of chemicals that can get into the eyes.
The primary types of conjunctivitis, based on cause, are:
Viral conjunctivitis. Caused by a virus, like the common cold. This type of pink eye is very contagious, but usually will clear up on its own within several days without medical treatment.
Bacterial conjunctivitis. Caused by bacteria, this type of conjunctivitis can cause serious damage to the eye if left untreated.
Allergic conjunctivitis. Caused by eye irritants such as pollen, dust and animal dander among susceptible individuals. Allergic conjunctivitis may be seasonal (pollen) or flare up year-round (dust; pet dander).
As for treatment, people are usually given antibiotics, but there are ways to use natural ingredients instead of this. Breast milk can be used for infants who have pink eye because it already has the baby’s nutrients being fed. Simply drop them into the eyes with a dropper. For older people, consider apple cider vinegar, unfiltered with its effective probiotics to get rid of any bacteria in it. It will be a stinger for a minute, though, and a cotton ball will be used rather than a dropper.
Another treatment is herbal tea, such as black or green, with the strong ingredients in it too comfort inflamed eyes. After using the tea bag, let it cool down and place over the eyes gently like a sponge. Sea salt and boiled water, coconut oil, and coffee (yes!) are also good remedies for pink eye without the fancy chemicals.
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