The Monarch butterfly is disappearing and we can all help to save them. If you have some space at your place you can plant milkweed to provide them food and nesting and breeding and as a food source for their larva. Because of farmers and others killing the milkweed it is estimated that 90 percent of the billion Monarchs there were in 1996 are now gone. The Fish and Wildlife Service have launched a campaign with Conservation Partners to engage millions of Americans in helping to save the remaining Monarchs. All we need to do is plant milkweed seeds. In our yards, gardens, fields, parks, nature reserves and where ever else we can plant them. The Live Monarch website has seeds they will send 50 seeds if you send them a self addressed envelope. They do ask for a one dollar donation but the site says that even if you can not afford the dollar as long as you send the self addressed envelope you will be mailed some seeds. So if you have any space at all that you can donate to the Monarchs or if you know of some place you could throw or sow some seeds or make some seed bombs to throw, please request your seeds and help save the Monarchs. If is not that hard and I know that I for one would truly miss seeing the gorgeous orange beauties. If you would like to learn more about the milkweed you read about it here…Asclepias. I found the article very interesting. Seems the fluff from the pods has been used quite a bit for insulation and does a very good job. If you decide to help the Monarchs you may like this tutorial on Making Seed Bombs.
To read the article from Fish and Wildlife Service click here>>>>