Raising LivestockHow To Prevent and Treat Thrush in Horses

How To Prevent and Treat Thrush in Horses

If you ever notice a foul odor whenever you pick the feet of your horse, there is a chance that he contracted thrush, a form of anaerobic frog-eating bacteria. Thrush is the main concern, particularly during wet weather, that can affect horses, whether they are in a stable or living primarily at the pasture.

How To Prevent and Treat Thrush in Horses

Since it is a type of anaerobic bacterial disease, it can survive even in the absence of oxygen. It can even get killed by oxygen. In most minor cases, a simple hoof picking on a daily basis is enough for keeping thrush away.
According to Southern States, thrush is not fatal. Many studies that minor thrush cases have a 3-day window to appear and also a 3-day window for it to disappear as long as appropriate measures have been taken.
Poor hygiene is essentially the culprit behind thrush concerns in horses.

It is difficult to understand how serious something is when it seems so subtle. However, because of the hoof construction of horses, it can become fatal when not addressed properly.
There are two distinct layers in the frog, the external skin known as horn tissue and the sensitive corium, which is the corresponding vascular tissue layer. Under the inner sensitive layer is a shock absorber that looks like a pad that helps reduce the concussion for the hoof and the entire limb of the horse, referred to as the deep digital cushion.

You will notice the signs of thrush at the frog’s deep crevices when a black discharge that resembles puss is accompanied with a foul odor.
Savvy Horsewoman shares useful tried and tested solutions on how to treating thrush in horses.


Paige Raymond
Paige Raymond
Raised in rural Montana and educated in Mechanical Engineering and Sustainable Development, Paige Raymond combines a practical mindset with a passion for self-reliance and sustainability. With expertise ranging from mechanical solutions and food preservation to emergency preparedness and renewable energy, Paige is a proud author with more than 5000 published articles.

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