This huge list of toxic garden plants for dogs is invaluable information to every dog owner and could be the difference between life and death of the family dog. Since dogs have a propensity for getting into the flower bed or vegetable gardens, it would be wise to know what to look for if you suspect that they could have eaten something they should not have.
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If you were to ask most dog owners if they are aware that there could possibly be hidden dangers for their dog in and around the house, you are likely to get a lot of shoulder shrugs or no’s. This is likely because there is not a lot of common knowledge about plants and the potential for accidental poisoning of canines.
Most people who are dog owners do know that keeping them out of plants in the yard is extremely difficult to do and the same can be said about indoor plants.
● Helps dog owners identify potential dangers that might be lurking around their home
● The table is broken down into different segments (houseplants, flower gardens, vegetable gardens….etc.)
● Describes in detail what part of plant is considered poisonous to dogs if ingested
● It lists the most common symptoms associated with accidental ingestion of the poisons
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