BeveragesMaking Plum Blossom Cordial in Spring

Making Plum Blossom Cordial in Spring

If you live anywhere that you have access to plum blossoms in springtime, then you will want to make some of this plum blossom cordial. Once you have it made you can add some to your tea or add some vodka to it to make your own plum blossom liqueur.  You start off making a syrup and then when you have that and it is the right temperature you will pour it over the blossoms and then you can add vodka to it.

Making Plum Blossom Cordial in Spring

You will find  step by step instructions in this great article from Gather Victoria. They tell us that the wild plums are blooming in early spring in the Pacific Northwest, so if you live in that area you can probably find all the blossoms you need right now to make your cordial. It seems that plum blossom in very early spring and includes wild and cultivated plums so act now while the blossoms are available. The rest of the country watch for the plums to blossom in your area as the country warms up this spring. I think this would be awesome as a cordial but I also think I would like it as a syrup and that it would be really tasty on pancakes so I would need to make a lot of it t have it both ways but since it is as simple as making a simple syrup and then steeping the blossoms in it for the right amount of time, as long as I can find sufficient blossoms I should be able to make both syrup and cordial to really enjoy  the plum blossoms.


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Paige Raymond
Paige Raymond
Raised in rural Montana and educated in Mechanical Engineering and Sustainable Development, Paige Raymond combines a practical mindset with a passion for self-reliance and sustainability. With expertise ranging from mechanical solutions and food preservation to emergency preparedness and renewable energy, Paige is a proud author with more than 5000 published articles.

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