BeveragesHow to Preserve Onion Tomato Sauce For 1 month/week?

How to Preserve Onion Tomato Sauce For 1 month/week?

How to preserve onion tomato sauce for one month/week?

Our lifestyle has become hectic, so we often want shortcuts to making our life easy. In the kitchen, shortcuts help a lot in saving time and energy, if we know how to preserve onion tomato sauce for one month/week?

Further Reading: Home Food Preservation Guide

Almost every curry, gravy, and daal are not made without the addition of tomato and onion. We add sauteed or chopped in our food. However, making tomato and onion ready to use in curry or gravy takes 15-25 minutes because we have to chop the vegetables then sauteing them after it letting them cool down, and then grinding tomato and onion to a paste. If we do all this process in making sauce and store sauce in the fridge or freezer, it will save huge time.

Here is how anyone can make tomato onion sauce and store it.

Photo by Sigmund on Unsplash
  • · Pear onion–3 kg
  • · Tomatoes–1 kg
  • · Garlic pods–8 large
  • · Oil
  • · Salt

Roughly chop onion and tomato, sauté tomato, onion, and garlic into a pan with enough oil until tomato is soft. Let this cooldown, then add some salt into it and grind tomato-onion to a fine paste. Add 1-2 teaspoons of oil in a pan and heat it and add in the sauce and cook it on medium flame until all oil ooze out. After it cools down, then it is ready to be stored in the freezer; remember to use a small and airtight container for sauce storage. The above amount of vegetables to make the sauce is enough for 15 days to 1 month.

Further Reading: How to stock Real Emergency Food Storage

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Make and preserve onion tomato sauce and save 15-25 minutes every day just by adding already preserved sauce into your curry. I hope you enjoy this read and if so, please share this write-up.


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