PetsNatural Fresh Breath Gel Drops for Dogs Recipe

Natural Fresh Breath Gel Drops for Dogs Recipe

How to make natural fresh breath gel drops for dogs recipe is simple to create, frugal and delicious for our canine companions.

Natural Fresh Breath Gel Drops for Dogs Recipe

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Many people have dogs with bad breath. There have been too many complaints about dog’s breath. If you feel your dog has bad breath or even if it doesn’t have bad breath, we have to come up with a perfect solution once and for all: natural fresh breath gel for dogs.

This DIY fresh breath gel for dogs is a natural way to improve the breath of your dog and help to prevent tartar on your dog’s teeth. A couple of questions have arisen regarding how this breath gel works and how efficient it is.

Gather these ingredients:

organic vegetable glycerin

liquid grapefruit seed extract

grapeseed oil (or refined
coconut oil, melted)

100% pure neem oil

rosemary essential oil

spearmint (or peppermint) essential oil

With this natural homemade product, you will have something efficient and cheap that can help prevent and totally remove bad breath in your dog. We know your primary concern would be fresh breath and healthy teeth for your dog. This DIY natural fresh breath gel for dogs is easy to make and includes a few supplies many organic and other substances. The breath gel can be mixed with herbal or essential oils to make it more useful.

The breath gel can be customized to your desired flavor. Just follow the instructions here and see how well this breath gel will work for your dog’s breath or taste buds.

This DIY natural fresh breath gel for dogs comes highly recommended; it works at freshening the breath of dogs and is completely natural. To find out all the basic recipes to use for this DIY breath gel for your dog, see the below step by step walkthrough.

Click here to read about how to make natural fresh breath gel drops for dogs recipe:


Melissa Francis
Melissa Francis
Greetings! I'm Melissa Francis, the founder and primary contributor to The Homestead Survival. With over 20 years of experience in homesteading, sustainability, and emergency preparedness, I've dedicated my life to helping others achieve a simpler, more self-reliant lifestyle.

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