UncategorizedScout's Misadventure With A Deer Head

Scout's Misadventure With A Deer Head

The Homestead Survival
The Homestead Survival

Scout is a 5 year old Min Pin / Chihuahua dog who should have been named  Houdini because of his amazing skill to find escape routes from a highly secured 6ft. fence.

Scout made it about 4 houses away before I caught up with him. It is hunting season in this area and there is a house towards the end of the block that the neighbors only come up on weekends so I don’t know  them.  They had shot and skinned two deer and had their hides hanging on their 4 ft fence. I was filled with dread immediately as visions of Scout tugging the deer hides off the fence.

Oh but it was so much worst than my imagination, as my eyes scanned the yard I finally spotted Scout feasting on the neck of a decapitated deer head lying in the yard.
As I yelled at Scout to stop and get out of their yard, he tore off a long thin strip of venison dangling from both corners of his mouth.

With his hard won prize, Scout started headed towards home only to stop in another yard that had 3 hunters sitting in lawn chairs talking among themselves. My brazen small dog runs full speed and jumps into the older man’s lap and tucks himself  firmly into his arm and eats his prize.
All 3 men are laughing hardly upon my arrival and even more so when I tell them the whole story.

The older man that Scout picked as his safe haven joking told Scout ” Sorry, I am not protecting you from your Mama as he handed me Scout back. I thanked them and we started home.

Any small bit of anger I had instantly melted away when I realized how resourceful Scout was and it was probably a grand adventure for him because until 2 years ago he was a city dog. He has learned and adapted becoming quite the resourceful country dog.
Small but spirited.

Moving from the city to the country can be a huge change for your dog as well.

Do you have a dog adventure or mishap to share ?

Melissa Francis
Melissa Francis
Greetings! I'm Melissa Francis, the founder and primary contributor to The Homestead Survival. With over 20 years of experience in homesteading, sustainability, and emergency preparedness, I've dedicated my life to helping others achieve a simpler, more self-reliant lifestyle.

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