After reading this article you may decide to start making your own body cleanser and soaps. If you look down the aisle of your local grocery store or market that contains the hand and body cleansers you will likely find only a limited number of products that can be called soap or liquid soap. Instead you will find things like moisturizing bars, bath bars and beauty bars. The reason for this is because according to the FDA, a cleanser must contain one specific ingredient to be called soap or liquid soap. This article was designed to bring attention to some of the dangerous chemicals that are commonly found in today’s commercial cleansers.
The article and its valuable information is from Healing Harvest Homestead. The topic was very well researched and all of the information is very detailed and presented in a way that makes it extremely easy to read and to understand.
Benefits of reading the Toxins Hiding in Your Favorite Body Cleanser and Soaps
Learn how many of the makers of commercial body cleansers put dangerous chemicals in their products.
The article list several of the most common chemical ingredients found in the most popular commercial cleansers.
Each of the ingredients are listed and described in detail which includes the possible damage they can cause.
You will find some full color pictures that help to provide a good visual reference.