Becoming self-sufficient or being prepared isn’t all about purchasing emergency supplies. Learning self-sufficiency and survival skills is a huge aspect of being prepared. Learning some skills will also help you enjoy savings through doing things on your own.
You do not need to hire professionals or enroll in a survival class just to learn some tricks or skills. What you only need is to practice your daily routine and make them your skills. You can plant a beautiful garden in your backyard. This will help you get your own food in case of an apocalypse.
If you want to survive through your skills on using guns, you may find the nearest gun range in your area and if you have time, enroll in a spring class. It will not cost you a huge amount of money to join. You should also learn how to read a map. This can be beneficial in case you need to go to a new place to hide or spend your days from the wilderness.
You do not need a year or several months to learn some basic skills. All you need is to spare little time and practice it whenever you have free time.
Here are 8 skills you can learn on weekends:
Plant a garden
Even if you only have a small balcony, you can grow a few herbs.
Learn to use a gun safely
Check out your local gun range for gun safety courses. I am seeing some spring classes in our neighborhood that don’t cost much to join.
Self-defense training
Employers and local businesses often offer a free class or two teaching defensive moves an average person can do in case of attack.
Learn to bake from scratch
It is fun to make artisan bread – it’s not hard, just follow these simple instructions.
Basic sewing
I previously took clothes to the tailor for sewing needs, now I can sew buttons, shorten or lengthen hems, repair a tear, etc.
Change a tire
Knowing how to change a tire by yourself is a skill that can come in handy in your daily commute.
Read a map
GPS may not always be available – learn how to read paper maps. The Auto Club is a good source for paper maps; you can also order them inexpensively for areas that interest you.
Start a fire without matches
There are various of ways to start a fire without matches – just pick a method and practice!