A very interesting article on how to handle a bee swarm. This was very cool to read. The way Applegarth Farm told her story of running to and fro getting hives together to provide for the bee swam was just fascinating. She always tells the times when your bees may swarm so you can be prepared at the time. All in all this is a great article for beekeepers or anyone thinking of becoming a beekeeper. She has a great blog covering just about everything homestead related. Check it out, I thoroughly enjoyed visiting.

Bee Keeping ~ is not for the faint of heart !
Click here to read the article:
The Backyard Beekeeper – Revised and Updated: An Absolute Beginner’s Guide to Keeping Bees in Your Yard and Garden
Beekeeping Pull Over Jacket and Veil -XLarge Size
8 Frame Deluxe Bee Hive Starter Kit (Unassembled – Wood)