This Blue Jean Denim Quilt Homemade Blanket Sewing Project is an amazing way to upcycle old jeans into a highly functional purpose of keeping your family warm on those cold winter nights.
Yes, during Summer when yard sales are plentiful and old jeans can be found for pennies on the dollar.
Quilting is a very popular past time that is enjoyed by many, many people all over the world. Making handmade blankets to be given as gifts to family and friends is one of the biggest reasons why people pick up quilting in the first place.
This crafting article was designed to introduce the reader to a unique way to both past the time and save money at the same time.
This article was created by the author in hopes to help fellow quilters.
The free pattern was complete with a list of all of the necessary materials and other supplies that are needed to be had on hand in order to get started.
It also included a complete, easy to read and follow the instruction which includes many steps that need to be followed.
Click here to read about Blue Jean Denim Quilt Homemade Blanket Sewing Project: