Simply Gloria website shares a new exciting twist on a lasagna roll-ups recipe, Buffalo Chicken Lasagna Roll Ups recipe.
This is an amazingly tasty recipe cooked fresh or as a freeze ahead meal for food storage.
As we all know life can become very busy with work, kids, schooling and social events and it can help to be able to grab a made ahead meal when time is limited.
Personally, once a month I spend a Saturday afternoon with my gathered recipes, shop for ingredients, prepare make ahead meals then package them up to freeze them. One long afternoon (made shorter with other people helping) can save so much time during the rest of the month. My motto is “Work smarter, not harder” LOL.
If a friend or family is sick, I can have a meal pre made to take to them within minutes.
Here is a shortcut I use: After preparing my recipe,I place them inside a aluminum baking pan ( 21 cents per pan) and cover them then freeze. The day I know is going to be busy just pop it out of the freeze to thaw. Later in the day, cook and serve.
Click here to read the recipe: