This step by step tutorial of how to build a simple fruit and vegetable counter top wood basket that has multiple levels for more vertical easy access storage.
If your kitchen is smaller or you have limited counter space, you’re probably always looking for new ways to store and stack things, so they don’t take up as much of your precious work area.
This is why this stackable fruit and veggie holder is so great. It allows you to keep your fruits and vegetables out in the open, where you can access them easier, but because it stacks, you aren’t taking up a huge amount of counter space.
This is a simple guide to make a wooden storage rack that can be used to store your fruits and vegetables. Of course, it’s very versatile, so you can store anything in it. While getting the wooden slats cut perfectly might be a bit of a challenge, if you’re buying wood for this project, you can have them cut at the store. If you’re using scrap wood for the project, just follow the steps and instructions very carefully, so you get the right sizes and the right angles.
All you’ll need for this project is:
– Four 3.5×9.75 wood cut at 20 degrees (0.5 inches thick)
– Eight 1 1/8 wide 14 ¼ long slats
– Wood Glue
– Nails
– Two 12.5×2.5 Boards
– Sixteen screws
– Linseed Oil
– Beeswax Polish
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This guide comes with a video that you can follow so that you can be sure you’re getting all the steps right. When you’re done, you’ll have a convenient fruit and veggie holder that you can brag you made yourself!
Click here to read about how to build a simple fruit and vegetable counter top wood basket :