Hunting Fishing TrappingBuild Homestead Survivalism Fishing Kit Project

Build Homestead Survivalism Fishing Kit Project

How to build homestead survivalism fishing kit project is a simple yet frugal project to had to a bug out bag, emergency supplies inside your vehicle or even among your hiking supplies.

Build Homestead Survivalism Fishing Kit Project

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Like fishing? Like to go on the boat or fish from the riverbank ? It is very popular as a sport, provide food for your family and in a survival situation.

But with it, comes one’s worst fear of a boat being stranded or capsizing or getting lost in the woods. (Use movies such as “All Is Lost” or “The Revenant” as examples or a person being stranded.) It costs just $20 to create a survival fishing kit with the things needed to fish.

How do you build a kit? The multi-step process is a bit tedious and timely with plenty of gluing, tying, cutting, and testing to make sure it works.

But you will need, as listed:

• 1” Threaded PVC Adapter and Cap

• 1” PVC Pipe Of 10” Length

• PVC Cleaner and Cement

• Scrap Wood

• One Paracord

• One Small Washer

• Fishing Line Of 100”

• Drill Bits Of 1/8” and 1/16”

• Hand Drill

This is just the tools needed to build using the materials. Then, there is the fishing section.

• Lures

• Hooks

• Bobbers

• Swivels

• Sinkers

It is basically a Swiss tool kit for fishing, except it’s homemade. Follow the rules very carefully because it is detailed and it’s easy to make a mistake. In terms of what it should look when finished, there’s a wooden cap and a finishing line wrapped around it. For one who likes fishing and goes outdoors a lot, consider making this interesting DIY project.

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Melissa Francis
Melissa Francis
Greetings! I'm Melissa Francis, the founder and primary contributor to The Homestead Survival. With over 20 years of experience in homesteading, sustainability, and emergency preparedness, I've dedicated my life to helping others achieve a simpler, more self-reliant lifestyle.


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