Off GridComposting Toilet from Nightstand Off Grid Project

Composting Toilet from Nightstand Off Grid Project

How to Build Composting Toilet from Nightstand Off Grid Project is a really great do it yourself task for off the grid homesteaders.

Composting Toilet from Nightstand Off Grid Project

Want to waste less water when flushing? Are you living off the grid ? Here is a creative, eco-friendly way to do so. Get a used old 70’ish bedside nightstand table, cabinet included, paint, a five-gallon bucket, and tools to get things going.

It is basically a homemade port-o-potty, but nicer, more useful, and less smellier.

Get rid of the doors and gut the cabinet. Use spray paintall over the table and apply two coats of it. Now, place the seat exactly where you plan to set on it and trace the seat’s inside to where the holes will be drilled. Cut it open. Place the toilet seat on top andstick the bucket inside to where it will sit. Leave some room for a rectangle hole and tube that will be adivide the urine from the physical waste. Trace a 1/4″section of woodat the top to where the paths would beand saw out thatwood from where it was traced. Screw on the door and seat and place a hose from the urine divider to the outside so it will drain. To prevent the stench and visibility of stool,use peat moss and toilet paper. That’s it!

Composting Toilet from Nightstand Off Grid Project

The bucket can be easily removed, waste dumped properly, and wash down before sticking it back under the seat. It is very easy and safe (it may get smelly, but air freshener will help) to make and use. Time to cut down on the carbon footprint.

Click here to read about how to Build Composting Toilet from Nightstand Off Grid Project:

Melissa Francis
Melissa Francis
Greetings! I'm Melissa Francis, the founder and primary contributor to The Homestead Survival. With over 20 years of experience in homesteading, sustainability, and emergency preparedness, I've dedicated my life to helping others achieve a simpler, more self-reliant lifestyle.

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