DIY ProjectsDresser Drawers Re-Purposed into Floating Shelves DIY Project

Dresser Drawers Re-Purposed into Floating Shelves DIY Project

This Dresser Drawers Re-Purposed into Floating Shelves DIY Project is how you turn to create shelving with a little effort and even less money for HUGE results.

Dresser Drawers Re-Purposed into Floating Shelves DIY Project

With old dresser drawers, we could just throw them out and buy a new dresser. But, instead of dumping it, the drawers can be recycled, reused and re-purposed in a creative way. That is how true HOMESTEADERS think…

People are looking at how to reuse old things and materials for a more Eco-friendly money-saving approach.

Here’s how you can makeover your dresser drawers.

First, prepare the walls and use a stencil to get an accurate measurement of how big it can be. Then, you can start to disassemble the drawers and cut down pieces to size. Remove all nails and use sandpaper to clean and smooth the sides evenly. Based on what color you think matches the walls, get creative with how you paint the pieces. Start from the bottom piece to install on the wall and nail properly. Now, use a level to add the supports with pieces of 1″ wood the drawer can sit on. Line up and nail. Again, make sure you measured with the stencil correctly and have the right spacing going against the wall.

This can be hung on the wall as a floating cupboard, bathroom shelves, or an open bookshelf. How to finish it is up to you. This is a homemaking project that is not traditional and only serves to benefit the room and can catch the eye of anyone who steps inside.

Click here to read about Dresser Drawers Re-Purposed into Floating Shelves DIY Project:


As an added bonus, You may want to take a peek at the article “Collection of DIY Projects”:

christina b
christina b
Hi, I'm Christina B, your go-to source for all things related to sustainable living and homesteading. Unlike your typical environmentalist, I bring a unique blend of scientific rigor and artistic creativity to the table. My mission is to challenge conventional wisdom and offer fresh, innovative perspectives on how to live a greener, more self-sufficient life.

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