Find out how you can start growing and using popcorn. If you have room at your place and there is no other corn growing you can grow popcorn. Once you have grown, harvested and let it dry for a while you will be ready to use your popcorn.
If your family loves popcorn as much as mine you probably go through a lot of popcorn. I refuse to have the microwave kind in my house. I hate the way it smells and also the way the smell lingers for hours in the house. I have a stainless steel stove top popper. Like a Whirley-pop but it is from Great Northern popcorn and made of stainless steel. We eat popcorn at least two evenings per week and I don’t want to pop my corn in aluminum so that is why mine is made of stainless steel. We like to season the popcorn. Everyone has their favorite. Husband like butter, salt and cayenne pepper. Grandson likes Kettle corn, here is that recipe, How To Make Kettle Corn. My favorite is butter, garlic powder and Parmesan, mmm yummy. Popcorn is really good but did you know that you can also make cornbread out of ground popcorn. Yes you can and it is delicious. I suppose because you grind it fresh when you make cornbread it just has more flavor since it hasn’t been sitting around loosing nutrients since it was ground and put in a bag.
Another good thing about grinding is that you can control how fine you want the corn meal to be. If you like a grainier texture leave it grainy but if you like a smoother texture to your corn bread grind it mush finer. You will need a mill of some kind to grind the popcorn. They are available as manual or electric. You can also find them as garage, thrift and estate sales for a reasonable amount. If you have a KitchenAid mixer you can buy the Grain Mill Attachment as well. Our Stoney Acres tells you how to grow popcorn, and this recipe for Popcorn cornbread is from Healthy Family Cooking and it is the one I use and it is delicious.